
Mirdif, Dubai

A Day in the Life

I thought I would post an entry to give you an idea of what my daily life is like here. I'm happy to keep you updated on my adventures too, but what I do everyday with AJ and Marya is the primary reason I'm here and I am loving it! (Although, in the wise words of a friend of mine, it's not without it's challenges, but what in life is?)

As I've mentioned before, the weekdays are Sunday-Thursday.

5:00 AM Wake-Up (unless I'm feeling ambitious and go for a run at 4:30) Between 5 and 6 I am getting ready for school. Packing a lunch, showering etc. The kids and Carla usually wake up around 6.

6:00 AM The kids and Carla are getting up and I assist where I am needed. Whether that is breakfast or clothes or collecting homework.

6:45 AM Ideally, this is when we will leave the house, but typically it is closer to 7.

7:30 AM Drop Carla and Marya off at their school, American Academy for Girls, just down the road. Arrive at AJs school, Uptown Primary.

7:45AM Homeroom begins. During this time, the teacher takes attendance and at some point the UAE National Anthem plays over the loud speakers. The students are required to stand, although only a few students sing along. It reminds me of my childhood, singing the Star Spangled Banner and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in Elementary School.

7:50 AM-2:30 PM This is the duration of AJ's school day. During the day I will "shadow" him in all of his classes (with the exception of PE, Art, Music, and Swimming). His schedule is different every day, but I typically work with him in Maths, Arabic, and Language or UOI (Unit of Inquiry). During these times I help him with reading or writing if he needs it, but try to work with all of the students to create a sense of comfort for him in the classroom. The goal is to help him succeed in the classroom without needing constant assistance. We want to build his confidence and learning skills.

Once during the day, I pull him out for about an hour and work with him on reading and writing and spelling. We use various programs and I try to incorporate reading that is applicable. For example, yesterday we worked on a presentation for the end of the current unit, instead of the typical routine we did some of a normal lesson and then I had him read through his presentation and practice it with me. I think this is important because it gives the reading meaning and it's easier for him. He also really likes to go to the library and choose leveled reading books. Without an education background, I struggle, because I don't exactly know how to teach him to read, but I am working with a program that, Maria (his previous shadow) and the Special Ed teacher pioneered for him. (However, I am accepting any input from those of you with an education background :))

2:40 PM At this time AJ and I head over to AAG, and wait for Marya to finsih with school and Calra to finish work. Marya is done at 3:30 and then the kids typically go down to the playground and play. I always check to see if they want to start their homework now, but they usually need a break. Carla finishes work around 4:30 or 5, and in that time I am usually reading or writing letters, or journaling.

5:30 PM Arrive back at home. Now I try to go for a run, and Carla and I make sure the kids get dinner and we find something ourselves. Carla is taking online courses, so she often does her work when we get home and I help the kids with their homework. Then they watch TV or play video games or play outside, and I usually e-mail, read, skype, prepare for the next day etc.
The week night evenings have been quite simple and low key for now, but am starting to make friends, so maybe I will find people to go to the cinema with or watch sport or shop and whatnot.

So there you have it! A day in the life :)

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