
Power and Restoration

Friends, I have two pictures to paint for you, in hopes that you will be encouraged and strengthened.

"...He is like the light of morning at sunrise.." 2 Samuel 23:4

Last Friday, the weekend before midterms began, my roommate, two friends, and I broke a restless sleep at 4:00 am to run to the beach at Burleigh Heads and watch the sunrise over the Pacific Ocean. The run was a perfect length to get us there feeling exercised but not exhausted. As we stood in the crashing waves watching the sunrise on a somewhat cloudy morning, I couldn't help but feel blessed to be in such a beautiful country with such amazing friends. When the sun had risen and the day began to warm up we ran back to Bond and sat by the lake an reflected on the morning. Somewhere in the midst of our conversation, Alex mentioned that we should climb Mt. Warning that afternoon. Her suggestion was met with my giddy and excited, "yes!" So we all went back to our respective homes and prepared by napping and having a late lunch.

We met up again at 2:00 that afternoon feeling rested and looking forward to our second adventure of the day. As we made our way (somewhat unconfidently) to the trail head we discussed our plans for a quick hike in order to catch the sunset at the top of the mountain. Upon reaching the trailhead, we made the 4K hike/climb in about one and a half hours, reaching the top in time for a light snack before the sun began to set. In God's unfailing glory, the sunset was magnificent and we all were pleased that we had had the opportunity to see both the sunrise and sunset in the same day. While the sun was setting we made our way down, to avoid being stuck in the dark. Inevitably the sun set faster than expected and we traversed at least half of the trail in darkness, carrying only a small flashlight for the four of us. Being terrified of the dark, I was the most difficult on the hike. However with the encouragement and guidance of my friends I not only made it down the mountain, but felt a confidence that in darkness God gives light. My light was the friends I had, literally, holding my hand down the mountain.

After an adventurous Friday, and a long weekend of studying and preparing a presentation, the week began. Midterm week proved to be overwhelming and stressful. The pressure of the week made me more and more homesick. I began missing the little things of home and hope. I longed for the hugs and laughter so common at Hope and the reassurance and support of my family and friends. In my longing, I failed to find the blessings of Bond and the friends I have here.

Skip to this Friday. Long before midterms started, I promised myself a refreshing weekend, with minimal adventure. Throughout the week the plan materialized as the opportunity to spend a day completely to myself.

"The Lord replied, 'my presence will go with you and I will give you rest.'" Exodus 33:14

One of the greatest lessons I learned this summer in Colorado was to take a day off. When we were in full time ministry, spending our days at the office and our nights with kids, we were quickly exhausted. Given one day a week off, we were expected to use that day to spend a little extra time with God, resting not only our bodies and minds, but restoring our spirits. At a certain point in the summer, I remember our boss giving us a mandatory day off with the stipulations that we were not to spend time with kids, or anyone for that matter. But to spend as much time as possible with God and doing whatever it was that rested and refreshed us. We had begun to burn out and it was becoming obvious. Me being a social person, I took this lesson to heart but found it difficult to put into practice. But this week I reaped the rewards of offering my day to God and choosing to rest in Him.

After a long and draining week, I needed a break. I needed a release of frustration, time alone, and a fresh perspective. I went to bed earlier than usual and slept for a full 9 hours. Feeling rested and awake this morning, I enjoyed a light breakfast in the dark while my roommate slept. Then, I changed my clothes, caught a bus and spent a few hours at Pacific Fair, an outdoor mall of sorts. I had wanted to explore but hadn't found the time. I spent most of my time wandering in and out of shops, watching and listening to those around me and enjoying the warm sunshine. I concluded the morning with an iced coffee at a small, virtually unoccupied cafe.

When I returned to campus, my roommate was gone, leaving the room to myself. I sat on our balcony and read a magazine in the warmth of the sun and the reflection of the lake. When it began to thunder I moved inside, disappointed that the storm was spoiling my sunny afternoon and would make for a dreary workout in the gym. But the rain was short and light, and the sun shone through. I took advantage of the cool but sunny afternoon to go on a refreshing an idilic (albeit slightly humid) afternoon run. I felt exceptionally well after the run and took my time showering and changing clothes.

Highlights from the day include:
-A good nights rest
-Crazy Clarks everything discounted store.
-iced coffee and people watching
-the November/December issue of Runner's World that says "Run Better this SUMMMER." (I love Australia)
-an exceptional run
-the afternoon rain
-quiet time

I hope that you have made this far and have found encouragement, or refreshment in my stories.

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