
Mt. Tambourine, QLD, Australia

Through my study abroad program, AustraLearn, I was able to sign up for a weekend with Conservation Volunteers: Australia. We left Friday morning and drove up to Mt. Tambourine. What Conservation Volunteers tries to do is restore natural rain forests. So they will find an area of deteriorating rain forest, fence it off, and begin to clear out invasive species and plant new trees and give the forest a chance to regenerate itself.

Our project involved pulling weeds and trees known as Privot.

It's not a particularly harmful species to the rain forest, but it isn't natural to the area. We also cleared garbage that had been thrown there and freed trees that were being strangled by vines. On Sunday, our leader took us to Mt. Tambourine National Park

where we were able to hike through the rain forest. On our hike we saw a Wallaby, a snake, a brush turkey, and heard the call of the cat bird, which, holding true to its name, sounds exactly like a cat's meow.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

a brush turkey! haha they probably look hilarious!