
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane?

A: It's totally exhilarating and fun!! The experience will change your life forever!

and I was convinced! I went skydiving today!!! I got up, caught the bus with two of my friends and we road to Coolangatta Airport, where we suited up and got a lesson in leaving the aircraft. We took off and flew over the coast line for about twenty minutes,

when we reached 10,000 feet, we OPENED THE DOOR!!

I was the second of three to jump, and boy was I excited...and scared out of my mind!!!

It was 45 seconds of free fall, until reaching terminal velocity,

and then a nice slow 80mph parachute down to the landing zone.

The view was beautiful!!!! I would do it again in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

You my friend are amazing and brave! I love the second to last picture because your cheeks remind me of this one hand dryer somewhere in mid-Michigan... hahaha I miss you a lot, but I would not take you away from the adventure that you are on right now. I'll get my Tami back soon enough:)